
Here you'll find the stories and writing-related ramblings of Meri Greenleaf. If you'd like to learn more about the stories and characters or read about my musings as a writer, those pages and blog posts are available in the menu above.

For easy access, here are the short stories and novellas I've shared to this blog; the title links will take you to the full story.

Short stories from the Unexpected Inspiration series
These are a collection of short stories about artists, inventors, and carnival performers. They're set in my lighthearted/comedic lgbt+ fantasy series Unexpected Inspiration. I'm currently writing the first quartet (previously a trilogy) of books in this series, so these short stories go along with those characters. I'm always adding new stories to this list! The stories are listed oldest to newest, so the most recent are at the bottom.

These longer stories are about the Magic & Messengers series I was writing previous to Unexpected Inspiration and are set in the "Dungeons and Dragons" world my husband and I created. I've since moved on from elves and traditional fantasy, but these stories hold a special place in my heart as the ones that gave me my love of writing.
  • The Acolyte's Map
  • A powerful magical artifact has been unleashed! Unfortunately it has fallen into the unlikely hands of a hapless young priest who is now bound by its bizarre curse. This is the tongue-in-cheek tale of a half-elven cleric who is trying to locate and free the unwitting victim from said item's grasp with the help of his mischievous (and not always competent) brethren. Along the way there will be magic, intrigue, mischief, and a talking dog.
  • Hidden Magic
  • A young elf takes up the task of hunting down a band of orc trespassers with the help of her centaur brother. When she stumbles into a pitfall, Meren finds an object: an amulet that gives strange new powers. Little does she know that an increasingly desperate young wizard is looking for the very same amulet and that their paths are destined to crisscross in a weave of chaotic magic...

Writing Status
Currently I'm alternating between the 3rd drafts of Colorweaver and Sentinel (books 1&2 in the Unexpected Inspiration series), but I'll also frequently write a new short story based in that world. If you'd like to follow me on Wattpad or Tumblr, I'll share the short stories there as well as on this blog.

As time allows, I'm also in the process of editing/touching up Hidden Magic so that I can share it on Wattpad, too; I'm aiming to breathe new life into the story when I update it a chapter at a time on Wattpad and on this blog. So far I've adjusted up through Chapter 4.

If you'd like to be alerted about new content (like short stories and moodboards), as well as updates about my writing, you can follow me on Facebook or Twitter.



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