I received Wolverine's Daughter by Doranna Durgin from the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program. This fact confuses me a little, however, because when I looked this up on Amazon, I saw that it was published in 2000. I guess that makes me a late early reviewer? This was also the first ebook I've won from LibraryThing; now that I have a Kindle, it's nice being able to request the ebooks because those always seem to interest me more than the paperbacks offered. (This review had previously been posted here.)
Speaking of Amazon, here's the summary of the book from that site:
Kelyn of Ketura: Daughter of a legendary warrior who left the mountains before she was born. Brave. Strong. Tempered by her struggle to survive in the hostile, craggy Keturan mountains. "Find your father," the local wisewoman tells her. "To find your true self, find the Wolverine." Angered by his abandonment, Kelyn doesn't care about her father -- but the lure of adventure in the Out Lands calls to her, and she accepts the challenge. New languages. New weapons. Magic. Witch hunts. The treacheries of civilization. She doesn't know just how much of a challenge it'll be.
From a description like that, I knew this was a book I would like. I wouldn't say that I loved the book, but I did very much enjoy it. It wasn't an earth-shatteringly amazing plot, but it was good and Kelyn is an interesting protagonist. I love that she had both skills and flaws; these made for a well-rounded character. It's an enjoyable read to watch her find her way in the world as she travels far from home. I was on the fence about her love interest for a while, but by the end of the story I had come to like him, too. Considering that Kelyn is also on the fence about her love interest, this probably works. (I am a complete sucker for something like that in a story; I like when there's some strife involved in characters' relationships.) I liked how the plot hook involving her father played out and was ultimately resolved, as well.
The only real shortcoming I noticed with this book was that it was kind of slow to start. Once the plot got moving, though, it kept my attention. I finished this quickly, curious to see how it ended. I wasn't disappointed.
I did notice a few typos, but I'm going to chalk that up to being an ebook version rather than what's in the physical version. This isn't influencing my review.
Overall I'll give this 4 stars out of five. It was so so close to getting 4 1/2, but I couldn't help feeling as I was reading it that something was missing. I hate bumping it down because, as I'm sitting here typing this up, I can't even figure out what it was that it was missing, but it's almost like it had the potential to be even better than it actually was, but it just fell ever so slightly short. That said, I'm definitely going to be looking for more books by this author and would recommend this one for those who enjoy fantasy starring a competent- but still believably flawed- protagonist.
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