"Unexpected Inspiration" character aesthetic: Blythe Bladedancer

“I still think you’re crazy. I’m a Protectorate. What little I have in me of artist isn’t even worth talking about.” Wysta already knew this and Blythe was getting fed up with the insistence that she was something she wasn’t.

Blythe works as a healer and knife/blade performer for a carnival troupe, having spent her entire life prior to this as a Protectorate, the warriors trained to guard art and artists. As much warrior as healer, she’s strong-willed, quick at making decisions, and just as quick to speak her mind. She has a soft spot for those in need and will defend anyone who looks like they might need it, even if they insist they don’t. Blythe doesn’t fear much of anything, except maybe her family’s past– or one of her friends doing something stupid that she’d have to rescue them from. In her defense, this seems to happen every five minutes. She’s one of the main POV characters in the Unexpected Inspiration series.



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