Gilly - Shadowshaper

(Picture made from this generator, although I need to update it since I've changed her appearance)
About Gilly:
Name: Gilly Seher
Home Country/Region: Concordia
Birthdate: Stele 29th, 447 (Equivalent of January 29th)
(13 at the time of "Unexpected Inspiration")
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Tarot Card: Page of Swords
Height: 5'6"
Appearance quirk: always dresses in bright, clashing colors
Occupation: nothing yet, but likely to become a carnival performer and thief
(Like Etri, Gilly has shadow magic.)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Highest Stat: Dexterity
Weakest Stat: Wisdom
Favorite Hobby/Skills: summoning invisible objects, turning cartwheels,
making people laugh
Favorite Color: dark green
(In my first draft of Unexpected Inspiration: Colorweaver, I had a boy named Grandeau in Gilly's role. I decided to switch him out with his sister, so now Gilly is in the series sooner than originally planned.)