Sprout - Apprentice Healer

(Picture made from this generator)
Name: Cerra ("Sprout") Schaeffers
Race: human
Home Country/Region: Zet
Birthdate: December 29th, 679
(15 during "In the Cards")
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Tarot Card: Page of Pentacles
Height: 5'2"
Appearance: long brown hair, tan skin, red-violet eyes
Occupation: Healer (priestess)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Highest Stat: Constitution
Weakest Stat: Strength
Favorite Hobby/Skills: growing plants, mixing herbs, nettling Seph
Favorite Color: pink
Detailed info:
At the time of "In the Cards", Sprout was Seph's teenaged apprentice who served as the assistant, student, eyes, and general cause of discomfort to the slightly older Healer. Like him, she is a priestess of Eros from the island nation of Zet. Eros is the god of healing and truth, but truth be told, Sprout is more connected to His undervalued and nearly forgotten side as the god of love than someone like Seph could ever be. Her real first name is Cerra, but she hasn't gone by that in so long that the only person who calls her that, or even seems aware that she has another name, is her deity.
Sprout is a very pleasant and caring person which are good traits to have as a healer, but she doesn't just show her nurturing side to humans. In a way, plants can feel this, too. Sprout's parents were herbalists and non-magical healers, so she has spent much of her life elbows-deep in dirt and soil, coaxing plants to grow even when they come from foreign climates. This wasn't through any kind of magic on her part, just patience and a love of nature. She can be enthusiastic at times, particularly when she was still a teenager, but she is also quite competent at whatever she sets her mind to because of that dedication to tasks no matter how tedious or time-consuming.
Originally Sprout's eyes had been green, but by "In the Cards", they had become the purple color they shifted to when she was Called by her deity. It wasn't until several years later, when she was ordained as a full priestess, that Eros took her sight and granted her the Truth-sensing abilities, thus eliminating the pupils in her eyes and giving her the uncanny appearance shared by all the adult members of her order. This is a trade-off the priests and priestesses are willing to accept because along with being able to see through lies and deception, they're never truly blind. They are able to see heat when wearing the blessed white silk blindfold all the ordained Healers possess, which aids their ability to see what is truly there.
Sprout was never granted the level of great power that Seph has, so she has never become famous, for which she is quite thankful. She's content to simply do her duty and work with the plants that she loves, striving only to use the knowledge and kindness she possesses to aid those who need her help. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Seph is so insistent on keeping himself distant from someone for whom he cares deeply; he doesn't want to drag the young woman into the difficult life which he is forced to live and does what he thinks is best to keep her out of his burdensome spotlight.