Tavin - Elemental Shaman

(Picture made from this generator)
Name: Tavin
Race: half-orc (human/orc)
Home Country/Region: the steppe east of Great Centeria
Birthdate: September 12th, 681
(13 at the time of "In the Cards", but the equivalent of about 17.
As a half-orc, Tavin is a little older than his chronological years.)
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Tarot Card: Knight of Pentacles
Height: 6'1"
Appearance: pale green skin, slightly pointed ears and tusks, red-brown eyes, strongly built
Occupation: shaman
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Highest Stat: Strength
Weakest Stat: Charisma
Favorite Hobby/Skills: crafting/repairing objects, speaking with animals, raising sheep
Favorite Color: doesn't have one (never occurred to him)
Detailed info:
Tavin is a young shaman whose magic involves working with the elements (in the classical sense: air, earth, fire, and water) and finding a balance between them. As strange and confusing as it sounds, this magic also serves to show him that there is always a certain element at the forefront of someone's personality; this means he can "read" whatever a person's main trait is at a glance without even needing to hear them speak. This is less helpful than one might think, however, because he tends to have little to do with humanity and as such hasn't refined this skill. The reason for this is because Tavin is not human. As a half-orc he has had his share of people treating him with scorn because his heritage is unfortunately pretty obvious, so he goes out of his way to avoid much contact. When he does have to be out in public, he is usually hiding behind wraps and scarves to try to disguise his skin and face.
Tavin spent the first four years of his life with his parents who were simple farmers, but this bucolic, idyllic life was not meant to be. All he remembers about that particular event is smoke, noise, and his mother hiding him away, then waking up to find himself being carried off by the person who became his foster-father. Later he learned that xenophobic humans, who still held a grudge about the Orc Wars of several decades before, had broken into his house, putting it to the torch and killing his family who had been taken entirely by surprise. His foster-father's magic did not alert him in time to save the orc man and the human woman, but the same magic running through Tavin protected the boy until he was found. Since then Tavin has lived with and been trained by the older shaman. He was not raised by his new father alone, though; he also had his rescued flock of sheep and the shaman's hawk familiar to watch over him. To put it simply, magic works a little oddly around Tavin, his father, and their home. The channel for Tavin's magic is a set of four differently colored semiprecious stones that he always carries on his person; each of these represents one of the elements.
Do not let Tavin's appearance fool you- he may be large and incredibly strong, but he's also gentle, meticulous, pacifistic, thoughtful, and quiet to the point of almost appearing mute. This is partly because that's just who he is, but it's also his way of avoiding any of the fire that he knows is inside; if he can avoid anger and passion, then the inner-heat will remain at bay. He's something of a coward and has an intense fear of fire (both inside and out) which is leftover from that particularly violent memory from his childhood. Tavin has an amusing, but also somewhat annoying to his companions, habit of leaving containers of water scattered around his home or campsite in an attempt to compensate for his phobia. This is a fear he is going to have to overcome soon because without the ability to understand and interact with a quarter of his magic, he will never be able to find the balance of the elements- or the balance within himself.