Phillip - Luckless Illusionist
(Art by Niere)
Phillip's Stories & Writing
At the moment you can find Phillip as the co-protagonist (antagonist?) in Meren's story:

(Banner art by jackofclubs. Click here to see the full art.
There's also a cute mix/soundtrack that goes with this story; that can be found here.)
~Hidden Magic~
Info and Prologue
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
About Phillip:
Name: Phillip Antonio
Race: human
Home Country/Region: Peranaea
Birthday: November 16th, 677
(18-26 years old over the course of Hidden Magic)
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Tarot Card: The Tower
Height: 5'8"
Appearance: waist-length black hair, brown-black eyes, warm brown skin
(or, rather, he used to look like that...)
Occupation: Illusionist (wizard)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Highest Stat: Dexterity
Weakest Stat: Constitution
Favorite Hobbies/Skills: astrology, woodworking, magical research
Favorite Color: silver
Detailed info:
If I had to give one word to describe Phillip, it would be "unfortunate". If I could use an entire phrase, it would be "most unlucky person on the planet". Don't get me wrong, the other characters have had their share of misadventures but fate generally smiles on them in the end and it more than compensates for the less pleasant experiences. I don't think I've ever spoken about Phillip without putting the modifier "poor" in front of his name.
Phillip's life started out normally enough. He was the only child of a master woodworker, but an outgoing and friendly nature left him with no shortage of friends (both human and halfling) to keep him company. He was well-educated and intelligent, albeit also somewhat narcissistic, and all seemed to be going well as he began showing the potential for magic as a teenager. He was apprenticed to a well-known and powerful Illusionist; Bluecoast was a town far to the east, but it was an apprenticeship Phillip was looking forward to- and for a while, all was well.
Then... something happened. His master began taking on a personality that Phillip did not much like as he also dropped the Illusion magic for which he had been so known. To the apprentice's disappointment and fear, the new magic he began was Necromancy. As much as Phillip wanted to leave, he was stuck, bound until he finished his apprenticeship. Needless to say, this was where his life took a turn for the worst. He did what he could to protect himself and not follow his master down that ill path, but against the stronger will of a powerful wizard, Phillip could only do so much. The experience changed him- drastically- but he never quite fell down that slope to evil, despite all the influences pushing him that way. Partly the reason for this was his own stubborn nature, part was that deep down he remained a decent person, but the main thing keeping him on the edge of normal was a certain wood elf.
Despite their constant foe/friend/hating/caring/hurting/protecting confusion, when it came down to it, Meren was the only one who ever stood by Phillip despite what he became and what he turned into. Having even just one person who stuck by him and who he could safely trust helped in a way that Meren never realized... but even around her, Phillip never quite knew how to be a normal person. That said, he would do absolutely anything for her and cares deeply about her, which she would be able to see were it not for the fact that Phillip constantly makes poor decisions (having only a tenuous grasp on humanity), leaving the elf perpetually frustrated and confused.
Still, as is mentioned above, he never followed the path of his master. He may now be misguided, cursed and somewhat