Meren - Wood Elf Mage

(Awesome art on the top by Niere, bottom from this generator)
Meren's Stories & Writing

(Banner art by jackofclubs. Click here to see the full art.
There's also a cute mix/soundtrack that goes with this story; that can be found here.)
~Hidden Magic - Meren's Story~
Info and Prologue
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Miscellaneous Writing:
~Meren's Introduction Post~
About Meren:
Name: Meren Eryndiriel
Race: elfling (wood elf/halfling)
Home Country/Region: Peranaea
Birthday: July 18th, 651
(She's 44-52 years old in Hidden Magic, but that's the equivalent of late teens/early 20s.
As a half-elf she ages slower than her chronological years.)
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Tarot Card: The Star
Height: 4'9"
Appearance: messy brown hair always worn in a ponytail, green eyes,
vine tendril tattoos, fuzzy feet usually hidden in boots
Occupation: once a forest guardian/scout, currently an apprentice wizard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Highest Stats: Dexterity and Wisdom
Weakest Stat: Strength
Favorite Hobbies/Skills: climbing trees, practicing with her bow,
Favorite Color: bright green
Detailed info:
If you asked Meren what she was, without hesitation she would answer "wood elf", but that's not entirely true; she's actually a wood elfling. This means she's half-halfling, but very few people would be able to catch onto that fact without her letting on, which she is loath to do. She's the same height as a wood elf, covered in tattoos that blend her into the forest, and usually keeps her feet covered in boots. The fact that she's from the subrace of halflings that are tall, slender, and live amongst the trees likely aids this impression. The only features she has that give away her hobbity heritage are her general cheerful demeanor (wood elves are not known for being friendly folk) and her face is a bit more round than is standard for elves. Basically she walks the walk and talks the talk- she's a wood elf and for the most part her kin accept her as so.
Wood elves don't have surnames, so Eryndiriel isn't actually a name, it's a designation that just means "daughter of Eryndir". This has some slight importance; her father is the tribe's leader, which makes Meren as close to royalty as wood elves can get. However, this actually means very little other than the fact that she has a sort of distant but rather hopeless desire to someday take over that role. ...but maybe not. She's now somewhat torn between two completely different worlds and isn't entirely sure exactly what it is she wants from life. What she knows for certain, though, is that she wants to do what she can to keep her forest and her people safe. It's just that now "her people" is a rather larger group than it once was...
To make the race thing even more odd, she does in fact have one sibling. Long ago she and the centaur Kryro decided that they were kin, and despite being of different species and having a big difference in height, they've stuck by each other. 'Ro is currently serving as scout leader for his centaur tribe, roaming not too far from the town Meren now calls home.
As will be learned in her story, she also has a rather erratic connection to a human wizard; their lives have crisscrossed so strangely that he's either her closest friend or her greatest enemy. Even she isn't sure which it is. All she knows is that she has the constant desire to punch Phillip in the face, but she'd also do anything in her power to keep him safe... and she cares more about him than she'd be willing to admit.
Meren's career path is about as normal as anything else with her. She spent most of her life as a border guard, scout and archer for her people, which is all she ever longed to be. Fate had other plans, though, and decided to grace her with the entirely unexpected (and largely unwanted) gift of magic. Neither wood elves nor halflings are known for their magical prowess, so to say Meren is a reluctant wizard would be an understatement. Still, she's not one to miss an opportunity to learn something that will protect her kin and forest, so she's been working under the tutorage of Lady Krisiries Spelloyal, master of protective magic. Not that Meren has a choice; she's exiled from her forest until she has her magic under control. Almost setting the place on fire once was one time too many.
Adding to the reluctance are other factors: becoming a wizard means she has to learn how to be civilized (not an easy task for a wood elf), master reading and writing, and stop relying on her beloved bow and darts. This does not make Meren a particularly happy camper. Fortunately her usual optimistic outlook cancels out this frustration. Some of the frustration, anyway.