Kryro - Centaur Guardian

(Picture made from this generator)
At the moment you can find Kryro as the co-protagonist in Meren's story:

(Banner art by jackofclubs. Click here to see the full art.
There's also a cute mix/soundtrack that goes with this story; that can be found here.)
~Hidden Magic~
Info and Prologue
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
About Kryro:
Name: Kryro
Race: centaur
Home Country/Region: Peranaea
Birthdate: April 20th, 678
(17-25 years old over the course of Hidden Magic)
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Tarot Card: Knight/King of Swords
Height: 8'3"
Appearance: braided hair, brown eyes, vine tattoo that spreads from shoulder to chest
Occupation: forest guardian and scout
Alignment: Neutral Good
Highest Stat: Strength
Weakest Stat: Dexterity
Favorite Hobby/Skills: reading, learning new languages
Favorite Color: blue
Detailed info:
Hailing from the northern continent and the kingdom of Peranaea is Kryro the centaur. As odd as it sounds considering their great difference in height and species, Kryro is the brother of Meren. They may not be related by blood, but they have considered each other siblings since they were children. When Kryro was a young colt he wandered away from his herd; lost, frightened, and cold, he found a place that was out of the weather and hid there- which was where the young wood elfling found him. Meren was unafraid of the fact that he was half-horse and was drawn to someone who seemed to be near her own age; as the only child in her tribe, she considered the horse-child a godsend. The two quickly became friends and when they were a little older, Kryro was granted acceptance into her tribe. This was a very rare honor indeed even amongst the forest-dwelling races because wood elves are notoriously reclusive. At this point the centaur was assigned the position of Meren's scouting partner which was a job he held for several years until Meren's magic was discovered by her tribe elders.
Kryro is somewhat of an oddity with the centaurs of his world, being a sort of scholar- or at least as close to it as his species allows. He has spent much of his life studying the languages of the people and creatures of the forest, as well as a few non-woodland ones. (It always comes as a surprise to people when he can converse fluently in, say, Orcish.) He is also one of the few centaurs with an interest in reading, although he isn't yet as good at this as he would like. He lives in perpetual hope that his sister will teach him the written languages she has recently picked up when she finally returns home.
He isn't just a weak intellectual, however; he's a competent warrior and is currently serving as the scouting leader for his tribe. The task of his scouts is to keep intruders away from the forest glade that his tribe calls home, but they also frequently come to the aid of the wood elves who share their forest. Much to the vexation of the other scouts he has a habit of wanting to talk to interlopers rather than simply chasing them away. This way he gets news of the outside world while also doing his duty as a guardian, so he doesn't see why anyone should have a problem with how he handles things.
Kryro looks like a normal centaur except for one thing: the tattoo he was given when he became an honorary wood elf. This is a tattooed vine that trails from his right shoulder to his chest with the symbol for Meren's tribe as well as the rune for her name hidden within the design. Meren has similar vine tattoos over most of her body, but in Kryro's case the location of his tattoo holds some importance as it represents the fact that he is a protector (the upper part of his dominant arm) not just of the elves' forest, but of one particular elf (crossing over to his heart). Meren is somewhat loathe to talk about this, being reluctant to admit that she has any need of a protector, so Kryro does not actually know the reason why he was given the tattoo in that spot, although he is aware that it marks him as part of a tribe.
Despite Meren's reluctance to admit this, the centaur does consider himself her protector. For this reason he was never particularly fond of Phillip, who Kryro doesn't understand or trust. Meren's sort of friendship with the Illusionist was the first of only two things about his sister that baffle (and somewhat discomfort) him- the second is her magic. He has come to accept her magic, seeing this as a logical way to aid their duty as forest-guardians, but it's doubtful if he will ever accept the human wizard.